Happy BIRTHDAY!!! One of my most favourite things in the world is when I have returning clients. This sweet angel family came to me for a special session, Lily’s 1st birthday! She had grown a lot since the last time I physically saw her. This year was a little bit different from the first time […]
So, I’ve finally taking the time to photograph my children with a new prospective that seems artistic to me. I loved directing the shoot – helping them pose, helping them by still being themselves and creating beautiful posture at the same time. To me when I hear the words “fine art”, I think of an […]
The best part about being a Fine Art Photographer is that I get to use my children as models. We finally got our home renovated, I mean like its kinda finished? We still have doors to change, decor changes etc. But Im happy to say that we are finally adding art to our walls. […]
2024 © Christine Grace Photography